What is this screen talking about? I don't know.. ww

Why does every chapter must answer questions.. =.=
Oh Next Quest is World Quest III chapter 13!! Should be easy... I guess..
记录成长过程,记录澳洲和日本(青天の扉)MM 的活动。
Oh Next Quest is World Quest III chapter 13!! Should be easy... I guess..
Anyone play there? Please come visit me at FaceBook sometimes.. ^_^
Tonight I will have Japanese Class, during the weekend I will be busy with my family. We'll have a trip to Mount Kinabalu.
P/S: Tokichama, I am a Chinese who live in Malaysia. My grandfather and grandmother are from China long long time ago. In Malaysia, there is 3 main Race - Malaysian, Indian and Chinese. There are also other race like Kadazan, Dusun, Bajau and many many... www
Please visit this website, about the State I live ^_^
http://www.sabahtourism.com/jp/ - これは日本語で。
I keep thinking about your birthday since 10th sep, I want to send you e-Cards but I cannot find any good one for you. Friday I was too busy and I forgot untill latenight your birthday already passed.
Happy Belated Birhtday to you. ^_^