

换了个Layout 感觉怪怪的… 希望大家喜欢,呵呵…

昨日是姐姐婚礼的最后一天,回到家已经是3点凌晨。今朝心情特别轻松,还特地去了 The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf 点了自己最爱的卡布奇诺和Chocolate chips Muffins,实在太幸福了!!

这几天 End 君在他的 Blog 里放了Condom 的内容,虽然看了他的Blog 很“晕”,但他的公会看起来很热闹。Oh my God… 如果真的是Condom,他们就把那些condom 当玩具,放得满地都是…. (儿童不宜)

在Magirita 逛街时,看见了小小的Kugutu。太可爱了!!!!!

今日在Magirita Castle 外面观看Seiga Affair,前30分钟很多玩家在外头等待。30分钟后,气氛紧张起来,很多人进进出出,尤其是那些Guild Master 走过来时,感觉很好玩!最后还是 Clover 赢了。 啊啊啊!好想进去看!!

后来上网找 Jpmm SA 的 Video,找了很久找不到。发电子邮件给arisa 问他有没有Jpmm 攻城戦的影片?结果他也找不到,或许Jpmm 里没有人录下来吧?
在 Friend Chat 里,ShinShin 说了一句 erosaito (エロサイト),意思就是 Pornsite。
但是,如果"ero = porn"。。。 那么,有个女生说她是 ero teacher,Ero Teacher = Porn Teacher?????? わかりません (=.=)
Market title : Iro Iro = 很多种。


JPMM 新宠物

今早天从Kuala Penyu (新郎家) 回来,星期日早上单独驾驶2个小时到达。夜晚在那里的渡假屋跟家人过夜。新郎的家人都很热情,跳舞,唱歌,喝酒… 每一样都盛情招待。回到了家,又跟姐姐去买这个星期五的晚装,又忙又累…

夜晚回到家,查看电子信件时看到arisa 的信件吓了一跳!然后看了他的Blog 知道他发生意外受伤了。像他的年纪还会跌到实在令人担心,希望他早日康复,以后的日子也好好注意健康。听说他为了工作没好好休息而累垮了,为生活努力的arisa 真是辛苦了。

Arisa 带我玩新map 的任务,报酬20分钟Torra 的变身。他竟然有了3只 NeoCores!唔,可能还有更多吧?他简单的告诉我任务该怎么做,我离开了电脑不久再回来,他就offline 了。然后在第6次mix 时成功了,看来真的不容易耶。

这次的Materials 里,又一样物品不知道叫什么名字。Arisa 只能用我明白的物品解释给我…

这次Jpmm 的update 好像也update 了Character Quest, Jpmm 的City 里多了很多新宠物。Kawaiiii...


病倒了 T.T


忘了什么时候发现自己的Guild Mark 颜色变了蓝色,原来arisa 让我也成为 Guild Leader,^_^ 很感动哦~ 那是一种荣耀嘛! (看不到 Guild mark… =.=)

わたしわ、ポイぽい Guild Leader です、よろしく!

昨天看到 NeoSnowman,赶不及拍下SS。Arisa 说那是这次的events,mixmall 里买了 1,000LC 的Chaos Box 然后跟NPC 交换就能得到特别的物品和宠物。


Auction Heavy Update

Today, I open shop and go to my Japanese class. I sold my Rainova, Chowie and Clawless. The connection is still running when I get back home. Night time, the game is still lag, arisa told me JPMM is improving Auction’s system, which players can buy cores from other servers, but only by LC.

The auction’s house becomes slow and errors because of the heavy update.

Thought I will be very busy in this month, my 2nd sister will have her wedding in this end of month. I have to go back to my hometown tomorrow & come back on Sunday night. I asked my Japanese Teacher how to tell my friends I will go back to hometown in Japanese? Inaka is hometown, she asked me to make sentence by myself…


Correct? Haha~ Hope to see you soon! ^_^



I started working with my new employer this week after 1month stayed at home. My new employer's accounts was too messy and very difficult to handle. It makes me so tired and stressfull to start a new job like this.... But anyway, ganbarimasu! ^_^

Today I'm going to post a fast and simple blog...

I completed the New Map's Quest last few weeks

I was AFK in the town, someone put this cores around me. It is fun... But I don't know who's core is this? (笑)

Today I found many Neocores next to the Satelite NPC, it was COOL! Sometimes the friendly Japanese people will put the cores around you, it will makes the Town looks Fun.

I found this Guild Mark, It's always surprised me when walking around in the town. (But, I still cannot see my guild mark)

Last week, I was able to meet Christ. But still I don't know his name, or how to call him? If next time I see him, I would like to ask him, "おなまえ わ?" (It's getting hard for me to remember people in the game, sometimes the name in Japanese is difficult to recognise and remember..)

This is the new events last week, it's almost same as White Server's promotions, which you can get the Foxxy's armour. Soo armour is for Blue Server? I think if BluePiggy will be better...