
Auction Heavy Update

Today, I open shop and go to my Japanese class. I sold my Rainova, Chowie and Clawless. The connection is still running when I get back home. Night time, the game is still lag, arisa told me JPMM is improving Auction’s system, which players can buy cores from other servers, but only by LC.

The auction’s house becomes slow and errors because of the heavy update.

Thought I will be very busy in this month, my 2nd sister will have her wedding in this end of month. I have to go back to my hometown tomorrow & come back on Sunday night. I asked my Japanese Teacher how to tell my friends I will go back to hometown in Japanese? Inaka is hometown, she asked me to make sentence by myself…


Correct? Haha~ Hope to see you soon! ^_^


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gradually, it becomes good at Japanese.

Please hold out on the same track.

I also hold out and English is studied.


IchyPeachy said...


Now I'm learning make sentence.
は = wa

@.@ very confusing...

はいはい!がんば ^_^