
Aumm Update 30.01.09

今日,arisa 去了大阪工作,没他在真无聊。只跟 Macadamia 一起研究 update 后有什么特别的事改变了。有点不知道自己在做什么,早上混合了一些小宠物。
下午 Maintenance,看日剧。
Maintenance 完了以后,做了一些 Quest,被 Destiny 的朋友叫来叫去弄得我很忙,被他们的领袖看到就惨了。不懂会不会惹麻烦...
Maintenance 后很多 NPC 都可以开始说话了,还有新的NPC,像圣诞老人,MintClaw NPC。。。 很多很可爱的。
啊,还有 Rojeta 8th 和 9th floor 可以通行了。

昨日,遇见了一位来自中国北京的朋友,应该是第二位遇见中国的朋友吧?之前 Blade 虽然是来自中国上海,但她都在澳洲留学了。她没玩这游戏之后,很久都没在游戏里用中文聊天了。

Shanastar 今日升级到 50lv 了,可是因为不太懂她说的日本语,鸡同鸭讲都没办法帮助他。
还有,到今天为止都还没遇到 END chan 和 hirokibx, 不知道他们会在那里玩?希望朋友列表能早日运作,闷得快发疯了....

今日的 Maintenance,确实看见了一些成绩,希望 AUmm 的GM 加把劲,努力把 Aumm 发扬光大!



Met arisa at Aumm when I'm busy mixing, he said he go back JPMM. So I follow him~
New events today, hunting eggs to collect stones... many type of stones can be receive from the NPC, you can see alots of GreenBeans jumping around the maps... lol You can collect eggs around world map and exchange it with the NPC at Southern Rudis.

I exchanged 40pcs of Eggs, but I don't know what I have received. Maybe colour stones for productions. Doesn't matter... I feel like Easter Day. Haha

arisa help me mix Snogyun today, InsaneDoctor is not 6lv higher for mix. But I still take a try, 36% success rate. arisa success mixed it!! oh... I'm really glad to play in Jpmm... lol Everythings is easy when arisa is around. haha.. ^_^

Oh, and he also gave me SnowBall transformer. When I walk, it looks so cute... like a penguin! Kawaiiiiiii~ (^o^)

When I hunt eggs, this picture was taken. Very cute... haha

Aumm Mix

I collect monster to mix some low level range cores.
Seems like keeping all the noobs core is good, its not difficult for me to mix because I already have some of the cores to mix. I only need to mix some cores like Yassie & Delcoi to make the cores that I wanted.

I hate mixing, but I'm having fun today. ^_^

One try for NeoGokuma today, together with Valor's book + Fruits + Magarita Suit.
the result.....

Thats why I hate mixing....


Princess Dress gone

今日,在 JPMM 等了 arisa 一天都没 online,下午忍不住去Aumm 找他,果然在 AUMM!! 正刚巧大家都在,syto 问起我的公主盛装还在不在? 还没来得及看到我就穿上去了,结果, POP!!! Dissapeared!! 可恶。。。。。 啊,懒得说了,在 aumm 的 Direct Q&A 做个报告,都不知道 GM 会不会 replace。他们没有通告说这个物品换了!!残念です。。。

今日在 Aumm 看见 market 里有个女生 Shanastar Market title: imjapanesespeakalittlenglish
おおお!!日本人です!!Aumm 里可以遇见很多不同国家的人,就很像在环游世界。哦,对了,还遇见了一位 Penril 名字是 Tamago,在 arisa 的部落格里看过这个名字,可是问她是不是日本人的时候,她没回答。

Aumm 很 Lag.... 到 Dragon room 时,因为lag,死了.... -10% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回 Jpmm,arisa 做 Yamiou Quest。做完了他又不见了....
在 Magarita 遇见 Gaia 和 Syougunn,没说几句。今日没看到 Capsule online,不然他可以帮我翻译。Gaia 祝我身体健康,心想他可能看了我的部落格,so sweet~ ^_^

说到部落格,最近麗夜さん的部落格放了一些他剪接的组图。很好笑... 虽然其他文章写得我也不明白,但是他的图片很吸引人。有兴趣可以到他的部落格看看 http://reiyainmm.blog97.fc2.com/ 还有一个,也是有些很好笑的剪接图片,MauMau 的部落格,很可爱。 有空也可以去看看.. http://maumausan.blog57.fc2.com/


Almost Holiday!!

This few day I am very tired.... Working hard to prepare to finish all the jobs before holiday, my colleages all already in holiday. I have to clean the office alone today.... (T.T)

Yesterday, Aumm Gyvs, syto and anakin... alots of message received from them in the MSN. I saw it when I back to the office, I don't have time to reply because too many things to do in the office. Somehow..... I don't feel like want to play in Aumm.

So I go to Jpmm, a peacefull place for me. (^_^)

I saw this today, Hakumen + Turtle! It is cute, haha..

Last week I try to do the Mother Quest, I'm having difficult time when talk to Mubiri and Tano. I changed my window to Japan version but the words is too small.... So I still have to ask for arisa's help. I only able to find Mojya(Ice-Cream) and Tatu (Tree), the NPC is new. Ikemen NPC!! (*o*)

The rewards for me is a ... Tako soup? But only last 1hour. There is other prize but I'm too lazy to keep changing my Window's version. It's a good experience.. wwwww

I want to sell core in Auction today, I want to make more GP! But when I check my inventory, arisa told me I can mix my core to others. I checked the fomula in the website and I think I can make Snoyang. Moyashi gave me 1 BattleRoyale longtime ago, if I success Snoyang I will name it Moyashi!
Today, arisa help me mixed an InsaneDoctor 53lv. Now I have to train it and mix a Snoyang!!



这几天 Aumm IchyPeachy 不能上,却不断被 Aumm 的朋友在 MSN 烦。用 Archimonde 的任务替他们合成,成功的有:

今日,Zakun 用了11set valor book 和 fruits。全败!!!
听说 Character quest 只用Aumm 的client 看不到 NPC,必须下载Korea MM 让system overwrite 才能得到那些宠物。

这是我的!! 完成了现在快2:30am 凌晨了。。。。。


还是不能上 Aumm

昨日,被 syto 进入 aumm 帮助他混合,合成2个,一个成功,一个败。
今日和Cowtamer 在 MSN 聊天,他说他花了$70 = 11K LC 混合 Bumergun,全败!!有这个必要吗?浪费钱而已。

MSN 最近的讯息很多,每个人都对我说 Aumm 怎样怎样,然后又开始问 Fomula 和 EC1 。既然自己不能玩,这些讯息开始慢慢的觉得很厌烦。。。 你不认为吗?这次的 Update,是绝对让人失望的。

跟 arisa 一起玩多了,学会了对游戏不应该太冲动和保持轻松的态度。虽然已经快一个星期不能玩 Aumm 但是也不会像疯了一样乱发脾气了。今日在 Lunancy 一个小时,只得到 3 个 EC1,好难哦~

今日和同事去吃午餐时,买了两个贺岁 DVD,回到家播放这种音乐,突然很有春节的气氛。在公司时,在寻找春节的电脑银幕壁画时,突然发现来临的新年- 丑年(牛年)和日本的一样。无意中发现了几个很可爱的图片。牛= うし?(Ushi?)



arisa was trying to hunt EC1 at Aumm Lunancy today, but... seems like Aumm really been having alots of bugs. Archimonde & arisa drop SUP at Lunancy....(Thought Cowtamer told me Korea MM, Lunancy 5th floor drop boost) All I can do is just use my Zink character to hunt noobs core. Listen to other people....

I want to play too.....033

It's been a long time Mr.Ryo is in my friendlist, the first day we make friend is the day I make friend with Fukubukun too. I found my post it was 3th of August. Haha The post is HERE I used to asked him what is his name in romanji. But the answer was still in Japanese, I can't read the name. Thought someday I will be able to read... but when I changed my computer to Japan's Window, the words becomes very small.


I'm glad to have a friend can help me translate... Capsule-chan help me to read his name. Thank you very much~

I tried to mix necklace 70lv today, but the result is failed again. I'm trying to hunt EC1 at Rojeta, but seems like the drop rate is very low... Lags killed my core 3times at Monez map too... Today, a little chat with BANN-chan as well, we talked about Aumm. Japan MM is getting much more important to me....

059I feel happy about it.

I can't wait to login my char in Aumm. I think, I will try my best to help all JPmm players if they come to Aumm!!

P/s: End chan, I saw your GP only 500k++.... wwww

Show off lol

Today I din't do much. Most of my time in Aumm because I'm busy cleaning my house to preparing for Chinese New Year.

xxjinxx was died in Herseba today, he lost 20% EXP. It is funny, everybody was asking. How you die??? I was wondering it must be the poison skill. But not much people know about the new skill, so ... it might be bug.

Discovering all the new things in Aumm is fun, somehow I feel like everthings is start all over again. today whenI was chatting in Herseba together with arisa, I use my level 1 high speed on Rakion. I keep laughing when she ask, Who did that?!! Who did that?!!... I'm showing off with the new skill. 053

Today, I'm able to meet arisa and Archimonde! Somehow, taking the SS when talking to arisa in the town, I feel very warm. It's been a longtime, we have not spend the time together in Aumm. However, it's still very regrettable because it is not my main char. Hopefully I can use my character by tomorrow.

Today also a little chat with Cowtamer in Msn.

020He told me that WanToDevil will not update the fulllist in MixOpera within this few weeks. Maybe will be few months later. They were thinking, it is very easy to mix now. If the list come out too fast, all of the cores will no longer as a RARE CORE. I'm agreed with this.

The fulllist was offer by them, but I don't like mixing. They told me that, I can always ask them for the fomula whenever I need. I feel glad ^_^


Aumm New Fomula

I meet NoirMc today.

He is opening market and the title was Acientkiller = ?+?

Thought maybe some Japan MM friends come to Aumm, they maybe want to know the fomula. I translated some fomula from Korea MM official website. I'm too lazy to do all, So I select some rare core. MixOpera will update all the Guides. I Think it will be easier just to see the picture. The name is not necessary, if you want to know. Please check Aumm website. Haha~

So.... Douzo!

Korea MM core's name is diffrent, I need to check one by one for these fomula. Maybe will be wrong, If you want to check it by yourself here is the link I translated CLICK HERE


Neosoul (SB05):

soul (SB02) + fushu (ゴア)

soul (SB02)+ stoner(ゴーレム)

Bombergun (ジェッター):

neosoul (SB05) + insane (超ドクトル)

neosoul (SB05)+ dasha (タシャベル)

Foxxy (銀狐):

whitewags (ゴブリン) + siper (バグラン)

Gokuma (ゴクマ):

insane (超ドクトル) + neosilver (ネオグラン)

insane (超ドクトル) + pumped (ジャック)

Black kugutu (カイライ):

kugutu (クグツ)+ kingdusty(ブラウモス)

kugutu (クグツ)+ phoenix (フェニックス)


battledragon (バドラ)+ shoopedup (ラクタート)

battledragon (バドラ)+ asakayza(ダリスン)

battledragon (バドラ)+ mysticyoyo (フットン)


dasha + wingcrusher (クラッシャー)

Phoenix (フェニックス):

swordtail(ピックテイル) + battleroyale (ドラーグ)

swordtail(ピックテイル) + tbird (コンドル)


swordtail(ピックテイル) + rainova (ハクタク)


Aumm Error

I'm evny when I read End's & arisa's Blog.....

I have nothing to say at this moment... if you want to know what's new in Aumm, please check arisa and End's Blog.






I want to play.... 033


Last day of New Year Card

I did not notice yesterday was the lastday of New Year Card Events.








015 Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......

But anyway I got alots of items for this events.. haha So it doesn't matter.

I'm still happy ^_^

Today Aumm big update, but because of my works is very very busy. I din't manage to download. Nightime, I went to my Japanese lessosn and dinner with my sister. It's already 11:30pm... I'm tired....

I just let the download run and sleep.....




033 今日发现 NeoAqua 原来没有升级的混合了。残念ですね。。。(爱上了这句日语)下次再猎多一只 AcientKilla!这一次的目标,要做Hornking!

Moyashi 今日出现了,好久没跟他聊天了。不知道他在忙什么?每次只来得及跟他说 konbanwa,他就不见了。记得他每次很厉害的赢奖,最近见他少了,还有 Natuki777 和 VCyumi 也是。明明Jpmm 就很多 events,他们怎么反而少玩了呢?

年賀状クジ,今日3 个Character 都中奖了。Main Char IchyPeachy 还得到了2nd,5 free point!

Capsule 最近很努力的在 Monez Queen Room 练级,我在怀疑他是不是在挑战我,呵呵。。。052

啊。。。 很期待 Aumm 7th Jan 的 Update!!


今日,一方面想自己试试,一方面不想麻烦 arisa。其实,并不困难。只要注意看自己的 Inventory 的物品有没有增加就知道有没有中奖了!

看他每次都很多 accounts 要做 Quest,实在不想再麻烦他了。今日看到很多玩家在现场,不只是 arisa 得到“凶”,还有很多其他很强的玩家也一样得到嘛。看了突然觉得很好笑...

其实,常常会不自由的痛, 但是还可以忍所以一直都没去看医生。有一次,去看过了,因为当时已经不痛了,结果医生说我食物中毒,给了我排毒的药。感觉有点啼笑皆非,拿了药回家就把它放一边了。

今天凌晨时分4点多,我疼得醒了过来,疼得想哭!开了电脑随便 google “背部疼”看看别人的经验,但都找不到相似的。大多数都是睡姿不正确,和身体神经线的毛病,也有些建议还是去看神经科。随便游览一下,就觉得很累了。忍着痛打算天亮去看医生,结果睡醒了,背部也不再痛了。

啊。。。 啊。。。 啊。。。 怎么会这样?!!!



アネゴ (Anego)

Recently I was busy learning Japanese while watching Japanese drama. Haha... My Japanese Class will only left 2 more class. Thought I did learned something but still.... it still not good enough to communicate with Japan's peoples. So... I shall improve and practice it by myself.

This Drama アネゴ

Is about the OL, 32years old, single. The story is about how she taking care of people around her. With diffrent age and stage of relationships and problems appears around her. Seems like in Japan, women who middle age like her is very difficult time. But I think this is a good drama for me.

I like the movie story especially related to "Affairs". This case always been in my head, people who married must have their own thought about having an affair, me too. For now, my age 25th. Affairs will be a game, I want to feel the heart beat after the few years of bored marriage. The possible for me for having an affair is 50% 50%. Women in diffrent ages, will have the diffrent opinion about this, I look forward what is my opinion when I am 30th. Haha..

Anyway, I'm still in the middle Episod of this Drama. I'll write my thought about this drama after I finished it.

Well... JPMM.

Reading arisa and other friends blog is my daily routine favorite time. Although I don't have much time to spend in the game. But I feel happy when I read their blogs, So please update your blogs everyday... haha ^_^

I'm getting boring to say Thank You Very Much to arisa almost everyday (笑). I've been trouble him since I play Jpmm... wwww The New Year events is fun, can't read Japanese been very difficult for me. But, everytime I see Capsule and arisa blogs talking about they get the prize. I can feel the Happiness too...

So... Good Luck for tomorrow!!


~ 2009 新年快乐!~


呜~ 为什么要发生在这一天?....



今日发贴时,发现去年 2008 发了99 张贴。今年 2009 年,是第 100 张!

嗯..... 今年有什么愿望和目标?

