

Met arisa at Aumm when I'm busy mixing, he said he go back JPMM. So I follow him~
New events today, hunting eggs to collect stones... many type of stones can be receive from the NPC, you can see alots of GreenBeans jumping around the maps... lol You can collect eggs around world map and exchange it with the NPC at Southern Rudis.

I exchanged 40pcs of Eggs, but I don't know what I have received. Maybe colour stones for productions. Doesn't matter... I feel like Easter Day. Haha

arisa help me mix Snogyun today, InsaneDoctor is not 6lv higher for mix. But I still take a try, 36% success rate. arisa success mixed it!! oh... I'm really glad to play in Jpmm... lol Everythings is easy when arisa is around. haha.. ^_^

Oh, and he also gave me SnowBall transformer. When I walk, it looks so cute... like a penguin! Kawaiiiiiii~ (^o^)

When I hunt eggs, this picture was taken. Very cute... haha


tonfucius said...

大过年的,你还在拼命K game哦~~


IchyPeachy said...

Oh no... 被抓到K game了。


大年初一被老公惹毛了,大过年都没什么笑容在脸上。连回娘家都被姐妹和老爸酸,不得不K game 发泄一下,不然连基本的“笑口常开”都办不到太不吉利了。

我的身体像牛一样壮啦!只要不吃油腻的东西都没事,自己注意饮食就ok 了。谢谢关心~(好感动哦~呵呵)

Anonymous said...

Rinova love Mameo!!
Good SS.

IchyPeachy said...

Yes.. very cute haha! ^o^