

059今日的 server connection 不太好,一边看电视,一边做 Monez Quest。幸好赶得及!!进了去猪猪们全被干掉了。我只管进去“走走”,走完了,还得到了74级的“蜜蜂”= Honet! 自这个Quest 开始,每次得到的宠物都是 15, 20, 47级的宠物,这次终于有一点成绩了。好开心!


arisa 告诉我一些宠物的名字,常常想问宠物合成的名字,都不知道那些宠物的名字。Mametuno, Mizuku... 下次,一定要记下来。



放了三日假期,习惯了夜睡。 本来想早点睡觉但还没有睡意,结果看了日剧,现在已经2点凌晨了。明日还得工作,烦~

arisa 今日成功帮我混合成了NeoAqua!!! 还有 NeoWaterball!! 昨日失败的郁闷全消除了!没想到这么容易就混合成功了,真有点难以置信。呵呵... 下一步就是NeoHornMameo 了!


最近工作压力很大,很少时间真的会由心里真正的笑出来。然而,对这电脑玩游戏真的可以让自己真正开心的笑哦! 虽然,真正的原因还不知道,因为会对着电脑笑的人肯定是疯了。但是有像 arisa 这样的朋友真的真的很让人开心!

054因为他,认识了很多新朋友。今日和 かぷちゃん猎 payapaya 虽然和他玩的时间不长,但也让我笑了很久。鸡同鸭讲,不懂他在说什么,但只要不是说色情的话题就很好了。我必须更加努力学习日语,日后才能和他们顺利沟通!はい、はい!がんばります!!


Me, my cores and あ~ちゃん (Many many あ~ちゃん.... wwww)!!



可恶,arisa offline 后突然想起我的小恐龙,BabyArisa。看了Fomula,原来可以混合成 NeoMameo。混合了Metal 后,竟然連败8回!!!!

用光了 GP,在 market 买了6枚 4.8万的 Metal EC1。还是混合失败!!!080



Mission completed

I finished the last item for the Quest today, and I decided to go to PZ. I bought a 3days ticket this time because Monday is holiday. ^_^ I saw Capsule in North Magarita at late night, he just started the quest, I think... ね、がんばつてCapsule ちゃん!

Thought I saw in arisa blog 25th December he was working. So I asked ShinShin today in the town, and he told me Japan doesn't have holiday on that day. How sad....

Late night, arisa told me tomorrow will be long holiday. 28th December - 6th January 2009..... ahhh.. that was a long long holiday. I get a little jelous.. haha .In Malaysia, there is alots of holiday because here we have 3main diffrent religion. Chinese New Year, Hari Raya (For Malay) and Depavali (For Indian) Christmas day (For Christian) also the president's Birthday and some other small ocations holidays. But those only for 1-2days...

I found this character in Town today, he have FIRE on his hand!! Thought it is a new weapon?
Din't your mom tell you don't play fire? hahaha... Thought this weapon is special. I like Jin character because it look good with Penrill.

Today in MSN, Syto and xxjinxx want me to apply for Aumm SA.
I did not join because I want to hunt Fukubukuro. They told me they almost win the SA, they broke the gate and xxjinxx success Mix. But at last, Anzguy mix it back. So now, Both castle belongs to Fantasy.

Syto asked me if Hunter can give him the Leader of Shinigami. Because this guild is very special for me... I don't know for other members. I refuse to pass him the leadership. I talked to Hunter before, he said it doesn't matter. But.... this guild, there is too many happy memories that I don't want to let go. I want it to be alive again, but not Syto the one who make it. If I pass him the Leadership, I'm sure the others old members will not happy too...

Shinigami, it not only a Guild, it is the LOVES and the EFFORTS from every members.



最近有Capsule 和我聊天,游戏时没那么孤独了。^o^
他告诉我日本人的习俗,中国人冬至那天,他要发贺岁卡(贺年卡?)那是他们的习惯。啊...好久没收到贺年卡了。好期待哦~ 现在收到贺年卡实在是难得,随着时代的进步,email, sms, e-Cards 还有留言省时多了。城市里忙着工作的上班族,哪有时间去设计和创作自己的贺年卡?

呜呜呜.... 好想也叫Capsule 给我一张!(不知羞耻的我,呵呵)

依照arisa 给我的提示,第一个是找 Green Ball!!。。。但是,提交这第一个物品时出现问题?!arisa 没 online,想问 MELROSE 和 Fukubukun 一定他们不懂我在说什么! Capsule 想帮我,却还没开始这个任务。只好再次找 Green Ball,结果真的掉了两颗不同名字的绿球!必须换 windows 来看日文名字,但是…. 字体太小了。

第二样物品,Killerpete (ForkRoad) 30分钟内得到!哇哈哈!!

第三样,Chikaki (South Rudis) 花了很久时间… 得到的物品,并不像银杯。Arisa 说得到后,NPC 会给 orgole???????? Orgole は何ですか?!任务到此,被饭岛爱的新闻吸引暂停了。。。。



PZ Up Up Up!!

I woke up this morning, my cough is getting worst... My throat is pain and I can't speak very loud... somehow, I feel like losing my voice. I try to take a nap in the noontime but my cough woke me up... it is so uncomfortable.

I'm wasn't able to login lastnight because I have class. Today login I saw RedBank, this armour is cute.... So I take this picture wwwww...

PZ hunting was good today, I read arisa's blog and can't help myself to go to PZ. He dropped Maleiki!! I drop not much items, but the drop rate is very good. And I also drop Manta~ Haha

When I asked him where is him, he said Plant room. (I cannot read the map) After few hours hunt in PZ, I decided to go to Plant room. EXP is very good, I spent my time in Bird Room and I did not realise I level up so fast... I'm very enjoy when not much people in the room, because I don't get lag.

Mr.Capsule talked to me today, because of not much people will talk to me. I feel very gratefull ^_^ Meet someone who is polite and friendly is very honoured, because I meet alots of people always said dirty words... it is very embarrassed. Most of the time, I will just walked away. So.... I am sorry.
But maybe the conversations is in English, thought maybe he need time to get use for using English as a conversations. Or maybe, arisa English is much much more improved!! So far, I only able to have the normal conversations with arisa.
However, I look forward for more people can talk to me... I will try to improve my Japanese language too.. がんばります!!



Today I was busy entertaining people from Aumm. I brought them to JingLing Land and help them hunt. Seeing Julieann was an accident, I clicked a wrong server and when I was in FBZ, she talked to me. I invited her to Blue server. (I don't have many items in that server *_*)

I finished hunt items to Juliean, Gyvs was online. Starting help another person to hunt items and bring him to JingLing Lang. This guy is a Big Fool.... wwww

arisa was exited he succeed his Big Monez core, it is tooooooooo big! Taking SS is difficult, I dislike big core, because it is very difficult to take SS for Phoy. It's covered my char!!! grrr.... Thought I asked arisa few questions in the game, but the answer is not clear.
I am a pig? wwww

Received the mail from Lievo for new payment makes me exited, thought I can get LC now!! But..... After the try, still can't access any of my cards. I forgot to ask arisa how to use this? Digital Check systems?

At last, taking SS with arisa.. capsule-san came, I don't know what they talking about... (Can't see the Guild Mark..)

so... I sleep-


New Lable

我做了新的Label,那样让我记得Jpmm 玩家的名字。

昨天去上日语课,试卷出来只得了6/13分,残念ですね。。回到家已经11pm 了。

前天 Gyvs 来Blue Server。

做Quest 时,掉了这样的东西,不能出售也不能丢,结果在现在与以往的地图来来回回好几次。这次得到了5 free points!!


Christmas Events!!

I checked Jpmm official website today when I was in the office. Thought Christmas events was start today and I send email to arisa. The feedback from him was very surprised, I have to go to class today. But my mind keep thinking of the events....

12:00am I turn on my computer can started follow arisa's instructions to do all the quest and get items. I loves Jpmm hunting items events!! This time, Candies everywhere!!

I drop the 5minutes trial small kugutu's armour as well, cute huh? hehehehehe.....

This year, the santa suit is a little bit special. The picture isn't show that I died, but I was sitting. If you consider I died... hm.. you can see alots of dead bodies in the town then. Sounds scary... ok, maybe just make it everybody is "SLEEPY".... Sleepy Christmas? lol...

The Christmas Tree at Magarita Town.

Now almost 2:00am... I'm sooooooooooo sleepy. Goodnight everyone!!


Time After Time

It’s late... I’m too lazy to write in Chinses, I have to work tomorrow morning. I meet some people in the middle of night, 2:30am Japan time. They don’t sleep early as arisa. Thought arisa is like Cinderella, he MUST offline at 12am. Haha..

Exchanged my 1day ticket was a mistake, although today is holiday for me but it’s not the right time to hunt in PZ for JPMM. Drop rate is too low, but hunting is good because less people less lag. I enjoy killing fast without lag but I do not get many items I wanted.

I hunt at Ruins of Verherseba (滅びのトレセド) strong and weak. This is the map I hate… You want to know why?


However, this map is the most popular to hunt items and cores in any version of MixMaster.

I read arisa’s old blogs today from May-Dec’07, there is so many memories and histories he had been wrote in his blog. The screenshot that I will never find at any other places is so wonderful and precious. Please check arisa blog if you’re intresting with Aumm, it is so many funny memories and happy moments in AUMM and you can also know how I come to JPMM and play in JPMM more than Aumm now. (Mixmaster の日本人わしんせつですね~) ^_^

I also read my own blog at MySpace… Seems like alots of players I met before is still the
same people I meet everyday. But the thing is… I cannot remember the Symbols! I was surprised when I see my blog. This guy with the 3 Eldering name “RUO-Chan”, I took ScreenShot with him and Ryu-Chan before.

Everybody, Please add my as friend in the game if you don’t mind. But I only can speak Japanese Language in Roman.


World Quest

昨晚凌晨3点才睡,今早不想起床… 阴天,睡觉最佳时刻。啊….. 好想睡~

今日,继续昨天 arisa 教我的 World Quest,他用简单英语给我发了电子邮件。清楚的列出每个步骤,NPC + items puzzle。我自己在地图里乱闯,World Quest 里的宠物都是稀有动物, WingCrusher, PhantomWng-X, NeoHarpy, 还有新宠物红色小飞龙和紫色Douda,我很容易的就把它们干掉了。掉落的是不同颜色的石头,arisa 说要收集 6 种石头,每样大约收集5个就足够了。(6种石头代表有6个server : 白,紫,青,黄,篮和红)

第2个Puzzle 忘了拍照。

能轻松完成这个任务全靠 arisa 的帮助,非常感谢他!

不太敢跟 arisa 说太多话,他的手指还没痊愈,打字会疼吧?看他没玩太久,有点觉得他很可怜,说不定如果他没手指受伤他就会混合很多 Mall cores 了,我也想做一个,小kugutu? 呵呵...


My First Video


2:48am。。。 弄了一个晚上...


要感谢 Clover 公会让我参观他们的城堡。

谢谢 arisa 手指疼还为我写电子邮件,请好好照顾您的健康与手指。

感谢大家让我有机会出“片” 哈.....