

Today I was busy entertaining people from Aumm. I brought them to JingLing Land and help them hunt. Seeing Julieann was an accident, I clicked a wrong server and when I was in FBZ, she talked to me. I invited her to Blue server. (I don't have many items in that server *_*)

I finished hunt items to Juliean, Gyvs was online. Starting help another person to hunt items and bring him to JingLing Lang. This guy is a Big Fool.... wwww

arisa was exited he succeed his Big Monez core, it is tooooooooo big! Taking SS is difficult, I dislike big core, because it is very difficult to take SS for Phoy. It's covered my char!!! grrr.... Thought I asked arisa few questions in the game, but the answer is not clear.
I am a pig? wwww

Received the mail from Lievo for new payment makes me exited, thought I can get LC now!! But..... After the try, still can't access any of my cards. I forgot to ask arisa how to use this? Digital Check systems?

At last, taking SS with arisa.. capsule-san came, I don't know what they talking about... (Can't see the Guild Mark..)

so... I sleep-


Anonymous said...

A person buying LC by a credit card will use the digital check system automatically.
It took about 1 hour so far till it was reflected when I bought LC by a credit card.
When it is a digital check system; immediately anti-; can be reflected.
U Tty again.

IchyPeachy said...
