
I hate Thursday

Lastnight... I went to my primary school friend's son's birthday. I came back home late. I received arisa's email about the 5th Anniversary of JPMM, I'm exited!! I want to hunt the gift boxes, I want to go to PZ and hunt something...

After a few while, I heard a big crushed sound outside my house. Because its on the roof, so I din't go out can find out what hapend. Thought maybe the cats chasing after rat and made the sound or whatever....

This morning, I was busy... But I got a phone call and ask me to check my phone. My cable was disconnected. The wire hanging on the road side... No phone, my internet is not working too.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Why is this happended to me... Why is it must be on Thursday?!

In the whole street, only my cable was disconnected. Other resident is ok.... Why Why Why....

I hate Thursday Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

P/S: At my sister's house at this moment.


arisa said...

As for Ichy, Thursday does not have luck.
Oneself is an error, too, and MM cannot enter it now.

IchyPeachy said...


You still haven't know what it the problem? Maybe is patch problems?

Macadamia said...

Thursday seems abd luck for you still
get any lucky charms?

IchyPeachy said...


I'll never get any www
Probably my last thursday is too good for me. Thats why this Thursday becomes bad... But I took the time to finished reading my book and watch my dramas. hehe