
Can I make it?

イチ桃です。今は 66lv です。

修行目标 = 69lv

This was after few days... I really don't have time to train my char >_<

I only earn 0.09 -0.10% by killing Madtailor, 1% by killing WingThunder. It's Slow, but untill I get the items or arisa come back to Japan MM. I might have a faster way to train to 69lv...

This is the snapshot I took when I'm trying to get the item to get out of the BirdLand. Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss..... wwwwwwwwww

Took quite long time to kill, and the result ......................... still 0

I'm getting worried if I can make it before 22th April? ....... arisa can't online at Jpmm, I'm alone. >_<

1 comment:

arisa said...

I came back online.
But work busy.....><
I log in a little now.