
I like him ^^,

Today, hunting gift boxes. I do nothing much. I'm happy to see my P-Stone increased www
I saw a little Black Kugutu at the warp, so tiny~ Phoy is taller than the Mini core. Is it strong?

I also saw the high level core in Verherseba, but the owner was hiding behind the Premium Zone entrace, I couldn't take a SS.

arisa told me the new fomula for high level core was out in Jpmm. Probably it was mixed during this event.

I'm chatting with anakin today, we were talking about somebody in Aumm. Aumm is a place with full of dramas. Girl friend, Boy friends and full of loves and jealous. This is the conversations: -

Anakin : Always knew you liked him
Ichy: I like everyone
Anakin : I mean more than anyone else on MM
Ichy : lol I like arisa too more than anyone

After the conversation I was rushing to go out somewhere. When I think back, it is funny. Why the hell I'm saying that?? Haha...


ホーネット (Bloodstinger)

Today, Monez Quest another ホーネット(BloodStinger), I have 2 now. ^_^
It can be mix to:
  • Maleki = PhantomWing (1) + Bloogstinger(1) or
  • NeoBloodStinger = Bloodstinger(1) + NeoBladeDasha(1)

I don't like to mix, and this two mix both are short range. So... I don't really have intention to make them. Anyone wanna buy? www I think alots of people have it, so maybe it doesn't cost much too.

チクリンさん online today. But she doesn't stay too long. I wonder if she recover yet? Arisa told me she was sick during the BirdLand event, its already quite longtime. I try to ask her, but all the reply was in symbol www... Anyway, I wish she is in good health.

2try for Monez today.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us While waiting outside, someone sit next to me and talking. I don't know if she is talking to me. Because all still in symbols. Thought I'm rude because I don't reply? I hope I don't make them angry...

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us arisa still can't online. His blog becomes boring wwww


5th Anniversary Events

Oh, My favorite events. Hunting items!!

The gift box is cute, but need many space to keep them. I want to get NeoSnowman, thought I saw Fairy Chan have one, but I forgot to ask her if she got it from the box too? Is it easy to get? Capsule chan got Weisha today, uhm.... maybe it is easy.

I'll put a little more efforts!

Herseba becomes a lively and busy town. I feel like in Aumm? www

Today guessing game with Capsule, his english is improved? Thought its getting easy to talk to him now. I'm glad, haha

We were talking about the gift boxed and I asked him where he hunt? Seems like people likes Valcan Access Road the most. But sometimes that map makes me lag because too much peoples.

I want to mix my Hornmameo, they're maxed level now. I checked Ohisama, its can becomes BattleRoyal, Weisha, NeoMameo & Puppy. I was trying to mix Weisha today, but all of them are male. I'll mix again next time ^_^


I hate Thursday

Lastnight... I went to my primary school friend's son's birthday. I came back home late. I received arisa's email about the 5th Anniversary of JPMM, I'm exited!! I want to hunt the gift boxes, I want to go to PZ and hunt something...

After a few while, I heard a big crushed sound outside my house. Because its on the roof, so I din't go out can find out what hapend. Thought maybe the cats chasing after rat and made the sound or whatever....

This morning, I was busy... But I got a phone call and ask me to check my phone. My cable was disconnected. The wire hanging on the road side... No phone, my internet is not working too.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Why is this happended to me... Why is it must be on Thursday?!

In the whole street, only my cable was disconnected. Other resident is ok.... Why Why Why....

I hate Thursday Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

P/S: At my sister's house at this moment.


孩子先生 口哨

在 End 的部落格里发现的一首歌。




修行失败 バ~カ T_T

I can't find any way to get my NeoAqua to my Char at BirdLand. Today, I found Fairy online and get her to help. Hehe... I appreciated so much. ^_^ Anyway, I was thinking passing my cores to someone I only been talking to her once is a risk.

But... ? I don't know, she is just trust worthy, I never worried hackers or bad people in JPMM. Especially she is the one who arisa introduced to me... So yea, I don't worry too much when I'm playing at Jpmm.

I let her to enter my account and pass my cores to her. She enter BirdLand, and I change my char to IchiMomo. And she passed to me in BirdLand. Hm.... seems like everybody can open 2 accounts in the same time. Why I can't? Eventhought I use the bigger space of PC, the X-Trap error appeared.

Fairy-chan gave me a big help. My damages increased and I can kill the core faster. It's shorten my time to level up. ありがとう、フェイリーさん!!


I guess I'm a fool anyway... I killed myself at 67lv +81.14%.

It is almost 68, and 1 more level I can stop and get my WingThunder....

HOW SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

I'll take a break.... This is so sad...

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us


Can I make it?

イチ桃です。今は 66lv です。

修行目标 = 69lv

This was after few days... I really don't have time to train my char >_<

I only earn 0.09 -0.10% by killing Madtailor, 1% by killing WingThunder. It's Slow, but untill I get the items or arisa come back to Japan MM. I might have a faster way to train to 69lv...

This is the snapshot I took when I'm trying to get the item to get out of the BirdLand. Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss..... wwwwwwwwww

Took quite long time to kill, and the result ......................... still 0

I'm getting worried if I can make it before 22th April? ....... arisa can't online at Jpmm, I'm alone. >_<


7等 x 3

018   いいえ~~~~~~~~~

I saw a small Dashabell when I'm training at Bird Land, thought maybe I can give a try to get the Transformer?

Maybe its easy??

Maybe... Maybe....

It's a bad idea...


Maybe it's not much for people in Japan... but it is alots for me.. T_T

This Garacha is cheat! 023


Collect Monster Pictures

After so long, Aumm events!!

Event Period : 15 April 2009 - 13th May 2009
Location : All Map

Collect all puzzle and give to NPC

Magarita X: 160, Y:105
Mekrtia X:090,Y:161
Herseba X:129,Y072

Rewards: You can choose Any of Each item you want everytime you give the picture to NPC.


  • EXP UP(4H), Hornmameo TRansformer(10days), Mix Gun, Megaphone(30)


  • EXP UP (6H), Fruit Of Life, Holy Water, Attack Speed Scroll(10)


  • Cursed Premium Mark, Soul Charger-Medium(4?), SUP(2), Time Charger(1)

I loves hunting items events... but hopefully its not going to be too lag.

修行完了から、AUMM へ行きます!! じゃ、がんばってね~



I'm trying to get the items so that I can go out and train at Monez map again... But today not a lucky day, I only able to kill L-Balloon Bird (Lievo Bird). Not so many in the map, and the drop is ............... 0

Some people killing in the middle of the map, when my cores die I can't click the NPC..... they take soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long to kill the KailinAngle. 囧 Then I have to wait untill they finished the KailinAngle to revive my cores.

I'm too depends on arisa >_< Getting too confidence to return to the Bird Island, now my cores all maxed level. But killing Madtailor is not too difficult, I think I can make some level with it, slow but safe~ Lastnight I thought I'm going to die and return to the Town because of lag.

When I return to the game, I'm still alive!!!! (^o^)

I have to be more carefull to get to 69lv!!

P/S: Tonight is the lastday of my Japanese Class, Sensei is going back to Tokyo for Golden Week!!


日本 MM 动画

今早,在办公室里游览网页时看到 Tokichama 的部落格里有这个动画,续我的动画后的日本MM Youtube 动画。

哦哦哦....... 还有 arisa 的名字!!

かずひろ = ボイぽい

Oh My God... 我一天比一天更爱 Japan MixMaster 了

どうぞ、見てください!Please leave your comment on the Video too~ ^_^

arisa の地狱试训练

あああ... 本来想睡觉了。可是看到トキさん满满的部落格,不好意思又硬着头皮更新了。

039今日,arisa 到鸟岛上找我了,他替我猎了修行再开の资格,掉了两个可是我却不在电脑前面。真惭愧~ 结果,他还要再猎多几次才再次掉落。明明就很不容易了.... 我连打死一只大猫头鹰都打不死呢!

后来,我们上了Monez 练级场。很多人,下午的时候很少猪猪,全被人干掉了。晚上比较多,可是晚上很 Lag,好几次以为自己死定了,被 arisa 及时救活了。哦~ 好感动... 他太厉害了。


1. 44~55 (11Lv up)

2. 55~61(6Lv up)

3.61~65(4Lv up)

Level 越高,升级越困难了。我已经很努力跟上 arisa 的速度,可是还是觉得自己很慢。以下是跟 arisa 练级时拍下的 SS, 他太快了,用昆虫粉的时候他还一直提醒我用它。我都来不及打开 Item Inventory 点击~ 噢,太久没练级了,这次真的很像是地狱试的练级法。

我在想呢,我练级还有 arisa 帮我。那他自己呢?没人帮他还能升级升得那么快?!今天就停在 65lv 了。后来回了鸟岛,试试 WingThunder.

5分钟后~ ... HP 90%.....

10分钟后..... HP 85%

20分钟后.... HP 70%

后来不知过了多久才干掉那只 WingThunder 的。

这是 arisa 等我的时候拍下的 SS,刚开始没发现他,后来才看到他变了一堆石头。呵呵~

084 啊 啊 啊.... WingThunder..... WingThunder.... 再 4级就可以到手了~



Need arisa help to transfer some items and core to my IchiMomo char. He introduce me a friend name : Fairy. What a pretty name lol.... Fairy = 仙女。。。きれいな~

Morning, can't find anyone to help me transfer gp.. T.T I almost forgot everythings I should take. Can't open two account is very very very inconvinience!.... At last! my life saver... Yuuya chan~ haha.. I thought he was not going to answer me. I got him to help me to transfer 10mil GP to my IchiMomo char too. ありがとうございます~

LOL this stone really makes me sick.... Ok, I can't read the stone. It's all in symbols, anyone can read it? ... haha

My skill becomes like this.... 4 Skills!!

Infact... I only want 1, move speed Up = Haste >_<

I formally got into the training Island today, I found that its not very difficult to train.

However, I have a family outing today, So I stop at 30lv this time. Tomorrow Continue~

Happy Good Friday~




これは、新い カラです。


今は 10lv です。時間がありません、level up ががんばります!(difficult)

- 日本語でおわります!!-

Ahh.... broken Japanese language.. Haha!

About my sickness.I'm getting better now, my nose still stucked because of flu. But no more fever~ (*_*) I read some informations, I think I'm allergic to the Spring. Which is the plant's flora spread on the air. (春天花粉症)

Lastnight I meet arisa with my new chara at the town, he ignored me. wwww

I want to take SS for my new char today, I met Ryo chan. I'm trying to talk to him but the letter was too small. I can't barely see what's the words on it... AHH!! Maybe I ask Sensei to buy me Japanese windows from Japan?... uhm...

I hope I can train my char to 80lv (atleast) for this events.. ^_^




过敏是一种机体的变态反应,是人对正常物质(过敏源)的一种不正常反应,当过敏源接触到过敏体质的人群才会发生敏 ,过敏源有花粉、粉尘、异体蛋白、化学物质、紫外线等几百种,有些过敏甚至查不到过敏源。过敏性疾病的发病率大约占20%人中还有过敏性综合症,从新生儿到中老年人各年龄阶段都有发生,没有明显的性别特征但有显著的遗传性特征。


人体内有两类细胞即肥大细胞和嗜碱粒细胞,它们广泛分布于鼻粘膜 ,肠胃粘膜以及皮肤下层结缔组织中的微血管周围和内脏器官的包膜中。这两类细胞中含有组胺、白三烯、5-羟色胺、激汰等过敏介质。在化学物质、空气污染、阳光辐射等环境因子刺激下机体内会产生大量自由基,自由基氧化后未能及时清除,将会破坏肥大细胞和嗜碱粒细胞的细胞膜,使细胞膜变性导致细胞不稳定。当不稳定细胞遇到过敏原后,抗原和抗 体发生特异反应,导致细胞膜脱离,释放出过敏介质。过敏介质可引起平滑肌收缩、毛细血管扩张、通透性增强、粘液分泌及组织损伤、从而引发过敏反应的发生。在过敏反应的发生过程中,过敏介质起着直接的作用,过敏原是过敏病症发生的外因,而机体免疫能力低下,大量自由基对肥大细胞和嗜碱细胞的氧化破坏是过敏发生的内因。




据专家研究表明,其主要原因有两个方面:一方面是由于人们生活水平的提高,在饮食中摄入了大量的鸡蛋、肉制品等高蛋白、高热量饮食,结果导致体内产生抗体的能力亢进,因而遇到花粉等抗原时,就更容易发生变态反应。另一方面是因为大气污染、水质污染及食品添加剂的大量应用,导致人体接触更多的抗原物质,促使人类发生变态反应性疾病。世界卫生组织WHO在其关于脱敏治疗的指导性文件中明确指出,“免疫脱敏治疗是唯一可以彻底治疗过敏性疾病的根本性治疗方法”.  国际过敏研究权威组织也提出,“使用高品质的标准化脱敏制剂,同时应该使用最佳的过敏症治疗方案,包括清除过敏原、患者免疫修复、过敏并发炎症适当的对症药物治疗、标准化脱敏制剂免疫治疗,简称“细胞修复”方案。


(This is why I'm in sick now... I'm allergic with the spora during Spring T.T)


ゴドランの修行 III

040 I'm sick ...

I went back to home town for praying. It was "清明节". My Japanese Class's Sensei said, in Japan there is the praying season called "彼岸" too, almost same time with the season I told her. People make the eggplant looks like an animal and put outside of the house. But she deosn't know what is that mean..

Before leaving my town, I already feeling unwell. I'm suffred during driving back home. After stayed overnight at my home town, I still feel dizzy. Can't breath properly because my nose stucked. That night I can't sleep very well too... But the moment staying with family was happy.

I came back from my home town, first thing is check MM news. Aumm = Forum, Jpmm = arisa blogs.

My PZ ticket expired.
I still have the items, maybe I should wait for next events.

I'm joinning the Training events for bird versions, I missed the Devil versions. I'll do my best!



I hate number 4

April + Thursday... I fell sick, high fever (T.T)
I layed on the bed whole day because my head is pain. My throat hurts... I can't wake up.

It's actually happend on Wednesday, but I able to control it by taking some herbs to relief the heat in my body. At night, I drink the soup from my aunt sent to my house. It's cooked with pepper. My body heat increased immediately at night.

I feel dizzy...

The internet is bad I guess, I can't login to Jpmm. So I sleep early...

Yesterday, I still can't login. I received a message from arisa blog. Maybe I'll try by tonight... But I have Japanese Class... Hopefully it works.

Bookmarks in my blog. wwww

. . . . . . . . .

Unknown (フェイリー)
2009-04-03 09:04:50
To Ichy-san

I'm not sure what the screen lag on AUMM is like but, if the problem is that you can't login after pushing OK button in character select dialog, I might be able to help you.I myself sometimes have the problem above. At that time, I always turn off the firewall program of the security software(for me, Norton), that fix the situation temporarily.After the authentication is done and you successfully login to MM, you can turn on the firewall again.

Hope it helps :-)

. . . . . . .

Another good english from Jpmm players!!

Hopefully I can recover soon, I need to go back to my hometown for praying this weekend. Wasted my PZ ticket!! >_<