
Aumm - Summer Vacation Events

I don't expect much about Aumm evens. Kambu costing is not very intesresting for me, but the Mintcat's Welcome Event is seems very attractive. Because of the rewards is good~~~

All of the reawards has no limits, all MixMall items.

60lv is easy isn't? hehehehe

Okay~!! This time AUMM!! I wan't to make as much lv60 character as I can!



Tokichama said...

What is this item?
Is it a transformation item?
There is usually it after 20:00 p.m.
In addition, please come for Japanese MM!

arisa said...

I got all items.
But 1day ticket had good one that I did not receive.

IchyPeachy said...

Kambu is same Mashimaro event, buy ticket at Mall and get core.
I will try to go white sever today after 20:00. Hope to see you ^_^

You did not got all? lv15, 30 & 45 you did not click w
