
A little Aumm

Chatting with anakin in the Msn, talking about the LC. Suddently I feel like want to play alittle, I feel boring without Premium Ticket. (Level 100++ is getting boring in Normal map, isnt?) So I bought about 300 Gemble Boxes and try to get PZ ticket.

Result is good. I got a Charger and a Ticket. All total in 60days...

Also a little hunt in the morning, dropped a KingDusty... again..... (I want MintClaw >_<)

Nightime Shinigami seems active, Macadamia, Archimonde and Hubster was online. Hubster suggest to take SS. Thought Macadamia said arisa was online in the morning, too bad he isn't here... haha (My New 115lv Weapon is cool XD)

At last, I want to keep a FireHornMameo as collection.

So I bought a FireHornMameo too. Compare with arisa's FireHornMameo, my FireHornMameo damage is higher. I think is because of my Weapon.

Thats all for today...


Tokichama said...

Is it Jetta transformation?
Is it bean horn transformation?
How do you obtain it?

arisa said...

I want to see everybody.

IchyPeachy said...

It's 30days Mall core.
40lv = 200LC
60lv = 300LC
80lv = 400LC
100lv = 500LC


Less people now ww