
Error Jpmm

I got the same problem downloading Jpmm. The error comes when I'm trying to download the new update. I received the reply email from arisa & Fairy, they told me everybody was experience the same problems. Only can wait untill GM fix the error..

New server has been implemented, this server is Black server. Now all Jpmm got 7 Servers!!!

This update is very interesting and I'm exited to play in that server. I saw a Pink TheUnknown(Pink Ranba) Isn't its cute????? XD

My internet seems to be server down again.. The connection was keep disconnected serveral times.

I'm not feeling well today... I woke up 1:38am my gallblader was pain.. Thought I ate the oily food again.. >_<>

The pain remain untill 4am.....

I swear I will never eat too much oily food anymore T_T


arisa said...

U eat Japanese food good.
Beco no oily.

IchyPeachy said...

Yea, Japanese food is good and healthy. Malaysia's food is oily and spicy.... >_<
