
Syto VS Garugon!!

I'm hunting at Low Ruins of Verherseba today.I told Syto I dropped some items and he came.

He try to Kill the Garugon by FB and Run.


This is the SS he died so many times but still want to Kill it.

At Last, I want to help but accidently killed the Garugon.. (~_~")
I feel very sorry..... But today is so much laugh infront of the computer (^_^)

JPMM is having events too, thought I tried many times to whisper arisa he did not available. It's getting difficult to decide which one to play. wwwww ... I wish he come to Aumm, and I think he wish me to go Jpmm.
oh! Very intresting haha...


Anonymous said...

1 Stun
2 FB
3 away
4 Stun
5 FB.........

easy kill Gargon haha
use 2 metal,forever stun ok.

JP event.
U talk southe rudis NPC(Blackman)
U can get Pocky.
But make chocorate event.....bad.
PZ double event good.

IchyPeachy said...

Syto don't have any Stun core, he die many times.

hm.... Very difficult to choose Aumm or Jpmm. Haha

Anonymous said...


i can kill garugon alone because i have 2 gunsmash :p