
I Love You Day

I was late update. lol
Hm... I thought I will never see arisa yesterday. I try to rush back home after having dinner with my father & sisters, I drink a little bit alchohol, feeling not enough because I'm feeling hyper yesterday!

I was able to give some present to arisa, but Aumm Chocolate cannot be trade!! How sad~ .. lol

Maybe I don't have a lover, but friends and family makes me happy. ^_^

This is the result in this 2 days and some other cores like Tenkaki, Thunderbird, Laustar.... Thought Hornmameo is no longer a rare core. But I'm still exited when it drop.

I'm satisfied.

Friendlist still not working, I try to do the Party list today. It show the red bar under the character. Party Chatting symbol is "%"
The sharing exp % is a little, I'm bad in counting. So I don't really know if party is good or not?

My new weapon is not as cool as Angel's Weapon, the effect is not that beautifull. But the sound effect is good. The game is very lag today, I got disconnected few times. Noon time and night time is worst...


Anonymous said...

Many drop cores OMEDETOU!
And thnks ARIGATOU!!

IchyPeachy said...


いえ、thank you too ^_^

Anonymous said...


