
Funny day XD

Today the return of the old Shinigami member, it's good to see him back ^_^

But the guild management seems like alots of mistake, when you click Accept, it's actually is Rejected. And when you click Rejected, thats mean Accepted. I have to delete all the name, then I can make sure there will be no mistake again!!

Anyway, Welcome back my friend!!

I'm not sure if people know about the BabyFireDuke Armour becomes a big bug in Aumm? Today, shanastar come to Aumm. She told me the 1st time use the skill is ok, but the 2nd time the game will shut down immediately. I was with her in Bird room and I shut down too...


I'm thinking to.....

Make everybody SHUT DOWN!!! Muahahaha.....!!

1st, I go to herseba... when everybody is open market. I go and make everybody shut down.

2nd... I go to Free Battle Zone, alots of people... XD

When I log in back, only few people still in the map. Maybe they can login faster? I don't know ...

I did that 3times untill a Phoy char asked me to stop using BabyFireduke armour. I sent GM about this matters. lol It was a big bug and also a fun bug... haha

Amazing when you can make other people shut down eh? hehehehe.....


arisa said...

Small Fireduke armour problem?

IchyPeachy said...


Yea, Small Fireduke armour problem. GM haven't reply... maybe still checking