


Teacher was back last week from Tokyo, today the lesson was continue. I forgot alots of words after the holiday... >_<

Teacher brought this to us, she said the nuts was very dilicious and people like to serve with 酒?I don't know... ww The packing was beautifull, I probably will keep it for awhile. ありがとう、先生!

今日、なければ なりませんと文型習いました。


Very difficult and confusing =.=

This month in June is almost ALL accountants peak period time. Because the Government Income Tax will be close in this month. I am busy too.... tonight after the class, I went to meet my friend and ask for an advise for the personal tax. Back home at 11:30pm.....

I also need to plan for this weekend for father's day, probably need to go back to home town again.....

I'm tired..

P/S: Sensei told us about H5N1 (豚インフルアンザ),Tokyo was quite safe from this. But she said other place is dangerous. I saw NHK news, in 千葉 there is 54 peoples infected. I am worried...

Everybody, please take care!!


fairy said...

arisa seems to live in 千葉 so you must be worry about that. But I don't think Tokyo is safe... Many people gather to Tokyo from many places including 千葉...w

BTW, 柿の種(the biggest package snack) is my favorite :-)

IchyPeachy said...

I'm a little worried about arisa ww Are you living at Tokyo?

柿の種 ww
So you drink Sake too? Hehehe
I will open it and try tonight ^o^

arisa said...

Japan is summer from now on, and the influenza does not have any problem because it becomes hot.

I think Ichy to want to drink beer when U eat Kaki-no-tane snack.

I want to beer now haha.

IchyPeachy said...

I hope this influenza go away soon...

I will buy Beer today!! Haha
いしょに飲みましょ!! ^o^

Fairy said...

I live in 埼玉(Saitama). But my office is in Tokyo.

I don't drink alcohol so much.
Only when I go to dinner with my friends w

Did you enjoy 柿の種?w