But the guild management seems like alots of mistake, when you click Accept, it's actually is Rejected. And when you click Rejected, thats mean Accepted. I have to delete all the name, then I can make sure there will be no mistake again!!
Anyway, Welcome back my friend!!
I'm not sure if people know about the BabyFireDuke Armour becomes a big bug in Aumm? Today, shanastar come to Aumm. She told me the 1st time use the skill is ok, but the 2nd time the game will shut down immediately. I was with her in Bird room and I shut down too...
I'm thinking to.....
Make everybody SHUT DOWN!!! Muahahaha.....!!
1st, I go to herseba... when everybody is open market. I go and make everybody shut down.
2nd... I go to Free Battle Zone, alots of people... XD
When I log in back, only few people still in the map. Maybe they can login faster? I don't know ...
I did that 3times untill a Phoy char asked me to stop using BabyFireduke armour. I sent GM about this matters. lol It was a big bug and also a fun bug... haha
Amazing when you can make other people shut down eh? hehehehe.....