

Today, both Mixmaster, Aumm & Jpmm maintenance day.

I left a message at arisa blog and he told me the new map of Quest was complemented today. So I go and try. Only Fairy chan was online, I asked her the name of the "mouse"? He told me it was Bukkabu & Bukka.

So cute~ jumping jumping and attack! wwww

When the time close to 11:00pm (GMT+9) the people increased... its getting lag and crowded. And I'm getting nervous..

I forgot to bring my armour, luckily arisa was there! *_*

Everybody is killing Monggy & Pirosty, it's too strong for me. I died and got back to entrace, everybody is standing there... There is also a Non-Stop HF near the entrace, I can see alots of "souls" flying www

I keep pressing "Print Screen" Haha

After awhile, arisa asked me to come over. I was worried at first, but I still able to passed it.

Look at my HP & MP, no wonder I can't use Haste to move faster.. All cores died www

It was a pretty funny moment.

arisa told me everybody get a very good core before the 5pm maintenance. Fairy Chan got a Golden Pig!! It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cute!!!! And arisa got a MintLion & other good cores..



ep said...

網絡流傳7月將有海嘯, 香港天文台為此作出闢謠, 指日蝕引發海嘯沒根據: http://www.hko.gov.hk/gts/event/edu_tsunami_hoax_c_uc.htm

如果是這樣, 那不必過慮了.

arisa said...

Thanks Ichy.
This quest has many chances getting CORE which is better than YAMIOU.
Because it is a time-limited quest, please do its best while there is a stone.

IchyPeachy said...


I'm a little dissapointed. Maybe will not get good core after maintenance.

fairy said...

You still have a good chance!
Actually, it was after the maintenance that I got golden pig!

By the way, would you want to join SNS that arisa and I already joined?


It's written in Japanese though...

IchyPeachy said...


sorry late reply >_<

Thought I'm not a lucky one & the quest is VERY difficult for me. Without strong players I can't play. I feel shame if only go without killing the monster.. www

What's.. SNS? おもしろいですか?