
Aumm Improve?

Last Wednesday, Aumm Maintenance & update, Gemble Box is back again.
Also another event (same) come back again. The event time is very long... I try the first week of ITEMUP. The game is a little lag, especially during the period of the events, I'm freezed for few second.

Item Up, my mind was all about the character Quest.

So I tried... I used Premium cursed Mark + Hit Accuracy 100% to speed up my attack.

LOL!!! I died

Result = 0

I check Aumm forum and saw someone complaint about the dissapeared Magarita Suit, I replied. The second day, we received the positive respond from the GM. You can see alots of thread that replied from the GM.

So I get my Princess Dress Back!!! YAY!!!

It's replace by a new 30Days Princess Dress + 3days Charger. It's Good? I think it is.

The report I was sent by 24th January 2009, I get my compensation by 21th May 2009. Almost half year... wwww

1 comment:

arisa said...

OMEDETOU back dress.
Now no selling soul chager?