
Christmas Events!!

I checked Jpmm official website today when I was in the office. Thought Christmas events was start today and I send email to arisa. The feedback from him was very surprised, I have to go to class today. But my mind keep thinking of the events....

12:00am I turn on my computer can started follow arisa's instructions to do all the quest and get items. I loves Jpmm hunting items events!! This time, Candies everywhere!!

I drop the 5minutes trial small kugutu's armour as well, cute huh? hehehehehe.....

This year, the santa suit is a little bit special. The picture isn't show that I died, but I was sitting. If you consider I died... hm.. you can see alots of dead bodies in the town then. Sounds scary... ok, maybe just make it everybody is "SLEEPY".... Sleepy Christmas? lol...

The Christmas Tree at Magarita Town.

Now almost 2:00am... I'm sooooooooooo sleepy. Goodnight everyone!!


Anonymous said...

Ichy already ended Christmas event.
It is early.
As for Sleeping Santa, breath is painful.
I am sorry that I cannot watch Sexy sitting Santa of Prnril by the Christmas event of this year.

IchyPeachy said...

The christmas events is easy because of your email! thank you ^_^

This year maybe no sexy penril, but can see Poi poi kawaii underwear.. haha