

被朋友叫去Aumm 玩了几天,重复以前常发生的事 – Guild War。朋友们一天到晚说那个谁谁有什么什么宠物,在哪里猎物…烦死了,鬼才想知道他们想干什么?关我屁事?买了PZ ticket,也没猎到什么…

前几天, arisa 放假去了,临走前帮我做了Quest,一打开帐户就看见跟我一样的宠物!!机器人!!啊哈哈…好可爱~ 带着我的机器人到处走,很多人也带着机器人,广场看起来好热闹!听arisa 说,events 过了机器人就自动消失,不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有,消失了没关系,因为开心过了! *笑*

单独一个人猎昆虫,可惜没人会说英语,有时问了其他朋友又担心会麻烦他们要利用翻译器。自己做了几样装备,有成功的也有失败,很好玩… 做了一样还不小心在做Synergy 时弄丢了,可恶…. 想练级,进了Monez map,看着每个人猎红丝带没多久就不见了,应该是猎到了,留下我一个人猎了一个小时四十分才猎到!没朋友帮助真的很困难!快升级了又因为Lag 而死掉…

在Jpmm猎昆虫时遇到巴西的玩家,跟他到Fbz 时,其他日本的玩家二话不说就把他干掉了,开始担心巴西的玩家影响Jpmm。听他们说Lunancy field 掉了 Mac-TBone,是真的吗?然后,他还卖了800万gp…嗯…. 很怀疑…


Anonymous said...

Copy robot event is good!
I like it.
Mac-Tbon is 80MGP?
I think that the reproduction of CORE is not made in JPMM now. But a reproduction of the GP becomes the problem in Purple and White server.
Not only the person who reproduced it but also the person who received the GP becomes BAN.

IchyPeachy said...

Mac-TBone is 800mil GP, it was Sold out in the market he said.

I think Purple & White server many reproduction of core.. because of bad Brazil player? AUmm hapenned once.. NeoSiper.