

Pumpkin King events has begun since last week at Japan MM. Everybody is wearing a Devil transform in everywhere.

I want to play, but I don't really have time. A little hunt at the midnight last weekend, I met Moyashi, he is back? I don't know... The chat still seems so lonely... I can't find anyone to talk. www

Aumm still the same, still doesn't seems so fun for me. Always in Cash needed events.... I feel so boring. Macadamia did asked me to play, to mix in Aumm... But.... hm... I checked the Forum, the topics is still same. Hackers, ask for events, errors..... etc etc...

Meanwhile, at the Japanese class. Now I'm learning “んです”, My sensei is a very funny women... www Sometimes she cannot answer my question and we laughed together. Haha...

There're so many many type of sentences & forms need can be use in Japanese Language, when they speak it is very clear & you have to understand very well. If you don't you're stupid. lol Recently I also learn about 関西弁、関東弁があります。

Almost everyday, I work overtime.... I'm tired. But thinking of the game, it makes me happy.


arisa said...

Yes!Now Holloween event in Jp.
Prince pumpkin(Neo Pumped)drops Candy.
Pumpkin the Great(Neo tomato) drops an armor.
Grandpa pumpkin(Pumped)drops the demo version of the Lotto armor (10min).

IchyPeachy said...

I only see NeoPumped ww