
arisa 大阪へいきました

I want to do Red Quest. But arisa went to Asaka, so I play Aumm today.
Met Archimonde, he returned. I show him some quest to do in Aumm. He is noob now, after seeing other people cores www.

Becomes friends with Destiny member is good, we share some informations, play and hunt together. it makes the game not that boring.. (Guild member is not online >_<)

IKilled told me this "Blue eyes" is good, the items can be make and much better than other items. I hunt with him, and we was hunting Blue eyes in Dragon room. I got it first!! XD

I'm making Pana at Islaba Dump Area, found this tree.

This is someone from Shinigami, old Shinigami member. Do you know who he is? lol Hehe... I hope he can return to guild as soon as possible ^_^



Today, both Mixmaster, Aumm & Jpmm maintenance day.

I left a message at arisa blog and he told me the new map of Quest was complemented today. So I go and try. Only Fairy chan was online, I asked her the name of the "mouse"? He told me it was Bukkabu & Bukka.

So cute~ jumping jumping and attack! wwww

When the time close to 11:00pm (GMT+9) the people increased... its getting lag and crowded. And I'm getting nervous..

I forgot to bring my armour, luckily arisa was there! *_*

Everybody is killing Monggy & Pirosty, it's too strong for me. I died and got back to entrace, everybody is standing there... There is also a Non-Stop HF near the entrace, I can see alots of "souls" flying www

I keep pressing "Print Screen" Haha

After awhile, arisa asked me to come over. I was worried at first, but I still able to passed it.

Look at my HP & MP, no wonder I can't use Haste to move faster.. All cores died www

It was a pretty funny moment.

arisa told me everybody get a very good core before the 5pm maintenance. Fairy Chan got a Golden Pig!! It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cute!!!! And arisa got a MintLion & other good cores..


Long Long Time ago...


那天,我在 Hunt Rabie 时遇到了很久以前的朋友。感觉很兴奋,大家其实都还是很怀念那时候的快乐时光呀~ 虽然他不能再用回那个账号了。可是,他还是他。

这几天,得到了GM 换回给我的公主服装。论坛里开始多了 GM 的回帖,Syto 告诉我GM有回复他的电子邮件,我的电子邮件也被回复了。 GM 说五月开始,新的Management 就开始重新调整一切不好的运作。开始有部分的“黑客”被封号,开始有了一些活动,和一些变化。

前几天 Links 在 MSN 里留了offline message 给我...

今天,在公司了因为没什么事情做,就看看以前朋友 upload 的 screenshot。



IchyPeachy, Hunter,MarshMellow, unknown, arisa, Luciver, Abruzzi, AzNCrAzE, Blade...


昨天去吃晚餐时,遇到了一个朋友,邀请我跟他一起玩 Dota。我笑了一下,心想我还是中毒太深了,我爱死了MixMaster,我无法再玩其他的游戏了。就算玩了其他的游戏,在我心目中 MixMaster 还是最好的!

那些朋友,给了我最好最好的回忆... LAST FOREVER!


Aumm Improve?

Last Wednesday, Aumm Maintenance & update, Gemble Box is back again.
Also another event (same) come back again. The event time is very long... I try the first week of ITEMUP. The game is a little lag, especially during the period of the events, I'm freezed for few second.

Item Up, my mind was all about the character Quest.

So I tried... I used Premium cursed Mark + Hit Accuracy 100% to speed up my attack.

LOL!!! I died

Result = 0

I check Aumm forum and saw someone complaint about the dissapeared Magarita Suit, I replied. The second day, we received the positive respond from the GM. You can see alots of thread that replied from the GM.

So I get my Princess Dress Back!!! YAY!!!

It's replace by a new 30Days Princess Dress + 3days Charger. It's Good? I think it is.

The report I was sent by 24th January 2009, I get my compensation by 21th May 2009. Almost half year... wwww


Sick .... Again

My table full of tissue papers, haha

I don't know if I work too much or because of the weather. I'm sick again.. =.=

I'm flu... can't sleep at night because I can't breath. >_<

I need to fisnish a report in within this few days, I'm soooo lazy...

Anyway, this is a song I like long time ago. My feeling now too ^_^

Please enjoy~


Aumm, Green & Blue

I'm flu... I used alots of tissue paper yesterday T_T

Shanastar looking for me? lol

I did not online for longtime, but he was whispering me today. We go to Dragon Room together, I was trying to help but the game is lag....

I told him I want to see him at Green sever, so we meet at green server. Green server is very quite server. I thought.... in the town only few people. But walk through the town to warp, the blazerhino was all in a line.

お!!すごい!!I took SS www

He want to meet arisa, but arisa wasn't online when we go there. Only MELROSE is online in my list. hm....

Shanastar talk alots.... (笑)

I only understand 10% in the conversations.. but it still fun, haha.. I hope he can speak english better, I can't understand... >_<

He taught me HakuRyu is FireDuke, Shaoron is BabyFireDuke.

Haku Haku.... cute name ww


Aumm Mall updated

I'm truly sorry because I din't update my blog for a week.

I was busy in my New Work and I want to concertrate in my New Job. I'm busy in my family too, my uncle was passed away last Monday because of cancer. Thought I din't online on any of MixMaster, I miss most of my friends.

However, I still read their blogs everyday. I try to update myself by getting informations from their blogs. I know Aumm's MixMall was updated by adding alots of items, belows are some of the items that I'm interested.

EC1, EC2 = both are 500LC each? What the heck?!?!?!

Synergy = Add 900LC, Delete 1,500LC? What the hell?!!?!?!

This is the most stupid update I ever seen.

Lets talk about other bugs in the game, Friend List, Guild List... Somemore there're alots of Re-Production cores in the game. They not event fix those, now they're adding the EC as MixMall items into game?! I still remember Starcream told me that "AUMM GMs are bastard, they only wants MONEY!!"

Yep, this proved~

They want money but they don't want to work hard.

Blah~ How discusting..

Anyway, I will be busy in my new job again untill I think I'm all into it. I won't be very active in about 2more weeks. I will miss you~

P/s: I saw there is a visitor from Vietnam, I wonder who is that because I don't remember I gave this address to anyone from Vietnam...


A little hunt

I hunt a little bit today, Tokichama said the drop rate of Gift Boxes was revised. When I decided to go to PZ, it was too late. The drop is bad... the exchange items and cores is bad too. I'm dissapointed.

Untill today, I still don't get any good core.. www
The P-Stone have been decreased too... So after few hours hunt, my stones still remain same amount.

Anyway I still able to catch a Weisha, after few hours hunting in Low PZ Rudis. My 1day PZ is worthed. Hehehe...

I want to hunt again, but I will start my new job on Monday. Sunday will be a busy day for me too. I don't think I will have time to online. I hope my new job will going well this time after keep changing job in year 2008. I'm tired of working in bad company T.T

So..... Wish me luck ^_^

Enjoy the Premium Week guys~



You need alots of inventory space during JPMM hunting item event.
I was trying to clean my warehouse and Inventory to make more space, I found that the hair colour I claimed from NPC cannot put into warehouse, so I used it.

My hair colour turned to YELLOW - GOLD - ORANGE

At the end, I can't get my Purple colour back. ahh.....
I also try another pink (or orange?) paper, I turned to BettlePete... www

I'm cleaning my cores too. I can't remember Jpmm mix fomula, some cores are nothing much to mix but I have alots of them. Like Bettlepete, Swordtail, Greentail, Thunderbird, Laughstar & etc etc...

Anyway I still success 1 of 3tries for TorraX. I only mastered 1lv mix skill. It's just amazing. Haha

I saw 2 Garugon today, I was trying to take SS for the Best Shot. But they're too big, I accidently hit them 2 times. This is the closer and best shot I got, Can't see my character....

A little chat with フェイリーさん today, I asked a stupid question. "Are you OL?" And the conversations becomes funny. Because she is a HE.... >_<
Same as Hunter I guess, they like Long Distance attacker. Somehow, he reminds me Hunter www