

I'm trying to get the items so that I can go out and train at Monez map again... But today not a lucky day, I only able to kill L-Balloon Bird (Lievo Bird). Not so many in the map, and the drop is ............... 0

Some people killing in the middle of the map, when my cores die I can't click the NPC..... they take soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long to kill the KailinAngle. 囧 Then I have to wait untill they finished the KailinAngle to revive my cores.

I'm too depends on arisa >_< Getting too confidence to return to the Bird Island, now my cores all maxed level. But killing Madtailor is not too difficult, I think I can make some level with it, slow but safe~ Lastnight I thought I'm going to die and return to the Town because of lag.

When I return to the game, I'm still alive!!!! (^o^)

I have to be more carefull to get to 69lv!!

P/S: Tonight is the lastday of my Japanese Class, Sensei is going back to Tokyo for Golden Week!!

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